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Writer's pictureCORNELIU SIMA

Providing Accurate Periodontal and Metabolic Monitoring

Dr. Sima's over 15 years of clinical and research experience in managing and monitoring periodontal, implant, peri-implant, diabetes, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) has led to the implementation of advanced point-of-care tests at Precision Periodontics for personalized precise treatments. You'll benefit from affordable and accurate minimally invasive tests to monitor periodontitis, diabetes, and CVD.

Do you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, or a family history of diabetes? High blood pressure, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD), or family history of either? Are you overweight or obese?

We provide you with affordable and accurate tests to precisely manage and monitor diabetes, CVD, and gum disease: blood tests for blood glucose and HbA1C (glycated hemoglobin), good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and oral genetic testing for periodontitis-causing bacteria and predisposition to excessive inflammation. Additionally, we monitor your vitals including blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation, and body temperature.

Most test results will be provided on the same appointment and incorporated into individualized and precise treatments tailored to you!

Patients with diabetes or CVD benefit from a 20% discount on all services!

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